DATE2024.01.17 #Announcements for Undergraduate Students#Announcements for Graduate Students
◆Support Grant for Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science
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The following "Support for Students with Difficulties in Studying" is available through the Graduate School of Science and School of Science Support Fund*1(application and screening are required ).
* 1 The Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science Support Fund is based on the generous donation to the The University of Tokyo School of Science Fund.
Support for Students with Difficulties in Studying |
(1) To whom it is difficult to continue studies due to natural disasters
To whom it is difficult to continue studies. This support is provided for students whose houses they currently live in for commuting to school have been half destroyed (including half washed away, half buried, or half burned down) or flooded above floor level due to natural disaster or fire, or have been under evacuation advisory from the local government for more than one month.
Application Forms
(Form 1) Application form (Natural disaster etc.)
(Form 2) Damage report and certificate (Natural disaster etc.) Damage report (Natural disaster etc.)
Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Please upload the complete application form below and submit it. (For the time being, the seal can be omitted.)
Upload URL
Click here to upload the application documents.
(Note) When uploading, please include "Student ID number" and "Name" at the beginning of the file name.
(Note) When uploading, please include your student ID number and name at the beginning of the file name. (For the time being, the application form cannot be picked up over the counter at the Student Affairs Division.)
(Note: Please send the original application form with the stamp of the Head of Department and the stamp of your academic supervisor, not the original uploaded application form.
Mailing address: Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
Office of Research Strategy and Development Umeki
(2) Difficulty in continuing studies due to unexpected financial circumstances To whom it is difficult to continue studies.
*To whom it is difficult to continue studies due to sudden changes in family finances caused by the spread of the new coronavirus, please confirm the following information before proceeding with the application procedure.
The applicant must be a current student.
*In the case of sudden unexpected financial hardship as a result of COVID-19, eligible students should check the following.
This support will only be available to students currently enrolled in the School of Science.
This support will only be available to students currently enrolled in the School of Science.
(Support for a period of preparation and consideration until the student is able to return to studies and rebuild his/her foundation.)
About (Sudden unexpected financial hardship)
Application Form
(Form 1) Application form (Sudden unexpected financial hardship )
(Form 2) Statement of reason (Student,Department head/supervisor)
Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, School of Science, Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Team
Please upload the application form and submit it to the following address. (For the time being, the seal can be omitted.)
Upload URL
Click here to upload the application documents.
(Note) When uploading, please include "Student ID number" and "Name" at the beginning of the file name.
(Note) When uploading, please include your student ID number and name at the beginning of the file name. (For the time being, the application form cannot be picked up over the counter at the Student Affairs Division.)
(Note: Please send the original application form with the stamp of the Head of Department and the stamp of your academic supervisor, not the original uploaded application form.
Mailing address: Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
Office of Research Strategy and Development Umeki
About the review:
In principle, review will be conducted twice a month. For more details, please contact us at the address below.
For inquiries, please contact:
Academic Affairs Team, Academic Affairs Division, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Office of Research Strategy and Development, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo (Attn: Umeki)