DATE2022.04.21 #Announcements for Graduate Students
Doctoral Dissertation] Period for Submission of Dissertations by Students who Intend to Complete the Doctoral Program in September 2022 Period for Submission of Dissertations by Students who Intend to Complete the Doctoral Program in September 2022, Gradu
Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.
English follows
Doctoral dissertation submission period for the academic year2022, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Doctoral students who plan to complete their studies inSeptember2022 are required to submit their Doctoral dissertation in accordance with the instructions of their academic supervisor and the Head of Department as follows.
&   nbsp;   ; Notation
1. eligible students: Doctoral students (those who entered the program before October 1, 2022)
September2022 September 22, 2022 September 22, 2022 September 22, 2022 Completion date: September 22, 2022
Documents to be submitted:
Thesis   1 copy (bound in a bound book) and electronic data of the entire text of *1.
2. 2 copies of the abstract of the thesis
2. 2 copies of oath (1 original and 1 copy)
Curriculum Vitae (in the prescribed form) 3 copies (1 original and 2 copies)
5. Thesis catalog (prescribed form) 3 copies (1 original and 2 copies)
Consent and Consent Form (prescribed form) 2 copies (1 original and 1 copy)
7. Confirmation form for publication of Doctoral dissertation on the Internet (prescribed form)
3 copies (1 original and 2 copies)
8. Authorization Form (prescribed form) 2 copies (1 original and 1 copy)
Application for Special Exceptions to the Method of Publication of Doctoral Dissertation (prescribed form) and a statement of "compelling reasons" in detail & nbsp; 2 copies (one original and one copy) nbsp; 2 copies (1 original and 1 copy) ) 10.
10. Thesis Receipt Form (1 copy)
1 Full text data should be handed to the Chief.
Only applicants with a △ mark should submit this form.
3. Document distribution: "Degree Applicant's 《Handbook for Doctoral Candidates》 and prescribed forms
Notification of URL forfile transfer service will be sent by e-mailafter May16(Mon.).
4. Acceptance period:
Thursday, July 7[Deadline to be strictly observed |
Reception Hours: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. / 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
5. Place of application:
Graduate School Office , Graduate School of Science [Room275, 2F, East Bldg. 1, Faculty of Science
Period for Submission of Dissertations by Students who Intend to Complete the Doctoral Program in September 2022, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo. Students in the final portion of the doctoral program in September 2022, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo. |
Students in the final portion of the doctoral program who intend to complete the program in September 2022 Students in the final portion of the doctoral program who intend to complete the program in September 2022 should take the following steps in submitting their dissertations upon direction from their academic advisor and head of department. 1.
Eligibility: Students who entered / advanced into the final portion of the doctoral program prior to October 1, 2019 and are scheduled to complete the program on September 22, 2022. Eligibility: Students who entered / advanced into the final portion of the doctoral program prior to October 1, 2019 and are scheduled to complete the program on September 22, 2022. 2.
Documents to be submitted including the dissertation
[1] Dissertation & nbsp; 1 [(temporary binding and *1 electronic data (full text)]]
[2] Dissertation Abstract & nbsp; 2 copies 2 copies
[3] Affirmation & nbsp; 2 copies nbsp;   3] Affirmation & nbsp; 2 copies (including 1 photocopy) [4] Resume(designed)
4] Resume (designed form) & nbsp; 3 (including 2 photocopies) nbsp; 3 (including 2 photocopies)
[5] Dissertation Table of Contents (designed form) 3 (including 2 photocopies)
[6] Letter of Consent and Acceptance (designated form) 2 (including 1 photocopy)
7] Checklist for Web-Based Publication of Doctorate Dessertation 3 (including 2 photocopies) 7] Checklist for Web-Based Publication of Doctorate Dessertation 3 (including 2 photocopies)
[8] Letter of Authorization & nbsp; 2 (including 1 photocopy) nbsp; 2 (including 1 photocopy) [8] Letter of Authorization & nbsp; 2 (including 1 photocopy)
[9] Application for Publication of Abridged Dessertation (designed form) and documents explaining in detail& nbsp; the "unavoidable nbsp; the "unavoidable circumstances"   ; & nbsp; 2 (including 1 photocopy)
10] Dissertation Submission Form & nbsp; 1 copy nbsp; 1 copy
Please submit [6] & [9] only if applicable.
1 Submit electonic data (full text) to the screening committee chair
3 ." Submit electonic data (full text) to the screening committee chair 3 ." Guideline for Ph.D. Candidates" and designated form (Japanese only)
Both guideline and form will also be available from the relevant URL which is to be informed by email.
Period for Submission of Dissertations
July 7(Thurs.)
[There is a strict deadline for submissions, and absolutely no submissions will be accepted after  ; the deadline. the deadline. ]
Submissions Accepted 9:30 to 11:30 am / 1:30 to 4:00 pm 5.
Place for Submission of Dissertations
Applicants should submit the documents in person to Academic Affairs Group of the Graduate School of Science,Room 275,2nd floor Faculty of Science Bldg. 1