DATE2023.11.29 #Awards & Prizes
Professor Osamu Nureki, Department of Biological Sciences, selected as Highly Cited Researchers 2023
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Professor Osamu Nureki, Department of Biological Sciences, has been selected as one of the Highly Cited Researchers 2023, an honor bestowed by Clarivate, which annually selects researchers whose papers are cited in the top 0.1% of the most cited papers, Professor Nureki has been selected for the fourth consecutive year since 2020. We would like to extend our sincere congratulations to Professor Nureki.
As a world leader in structural biology, Professor Nureki has determined the 3D structures of various proteins and nucleic acids that play important functions in living organisms and elucidated their molecular mechanisms at the atomic level. In particular, he was the first in the world to elucidate the crystal structures of CRISPR-Cas9 (Nishimasu et al. Cell 2014: 2183 citations), which is used for genome editing, and channelrhodopsin (Kato et al. Nature 2012: 599 citations), which is used for optogenetics, providing extremely large impacts on the scientific community. Professor Nureki has succeeded in many highly challenging structural analyses of protein-nucleic acid complexes, such as CRISPR-Cas enzyme, and membrane proteins, such as G protein-coupled receptors, by utilizing state-of-the-art technologies such as lipid cubic method, X-ray free electron laser, and cryo-electron microscopy. The results of these basic researches have been an important foundation for applications in drug discovery and disease therapy. Professor Nureki has established drug discovery ventures such as "Modaris" (genome editing) and "Curaio" (structure-based drug discovery) under the motto of "the foundation of the foundation is the application" and is actively engaged in social implementation of the results of his basic research.
For more information, please click here.
Clarivate World's Best Researchers: H papers 2023 - Clarivate
(Responsibility: Professor Hiroshi Nishimasu, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology)