
Image Bank

About Image Bank

About Image Bank

The images on this site are available to researchers, students, and the press for use in research, education, outreach activities, and for news reporting purposes related to the Graduate School of Science. The copyright of the images on this site belongs to the Graduate School of Science of the University of Tokyo and its faculty members. Please use this site in accordance with the following terms of use.

To faculty members and students of the Graduate School of Science

You do not need to apply to use the site for the purpose of research, education, or outreach activities. Please use the site with the credit "Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo". When using the images in books or other publications, please apply for the use of the image attached to each image.

To members of the press, commercial enterprises, etc.

When using the images, please apply for use of the image attached to each image.
If you wish to use more than one image at a time (especially for books, etc.), please allow sufficient time for your application to be processed.
Please note that we may refuse the use of an image if it is used for a purpose that is significantly different from the purpose of this website. Please refrain from extreme cropping or alteration of images, and be sure to use them with the credit "Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo".



幼稚園での出前実験向けに園児への プレゼントとして作った氷のペンダント。純氷の板を銅製の型に挟むと、みるみるうちに氷が溶け、六花の形が出来上がる。「もういっかい やって」とせがむ子供達の輝く瞳の中に、科学の原点を想う。

(c) 東京大学 大学院理学系研究科 理学部, 2017-11-27

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