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Room | Koishikawa Botanical Gardens, Main building |
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Research Field
Botany, Ecology
Research Subject
Understaning the diversity and evolution of flowers
Current Research
More than 80% of the angiosperms (ca.2,00,000 species) are pollinated by animals and thier interactions are diverse. My study focus is on the discovery of new polination systems via field work and techniques such as floral scent volatile analysis. Followings are the current study topics.
・Revealing the diversity of Diptera as pollinators and the evolutionary consequences of adaptation to fly pollinators in plants
・Discovery and ecological-evolutionary study of new pollination syndromes in flowers
・Discovery and ecological-evolutionary study of new floral mimicry
・Revealing the diversity of pollination systems in Asian Asclepiadoideae
Plant, pollination, Field work, insects, GC/MS, Phylogeny