This program aims to foster young undergraduates and postgraduates studying in Japan and Russia for future cooperative development between both countries. Students in School of Science at the University of Tokyo have the opportunity to participate in research exchange at Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint Petersburg State University.
Applicants must be a current undergraduate or postgraduate student in School of Science at the University of Tokyo.
About 4 students
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Saint Petersburg State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University:
Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Geography, etc.
Saint Petersburg State University:
Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Institute of Earth Sciences, etc.
NOTE: Each applicant is required to directly contact a professor or an associate professor of the host university and obtain his or her acceptance before applying to the STEPS.
From February 1st to March 24th, 2020
NOTE: Keep in mind fact that a flight from Russia will arrive in Japan on the next day
(ex. Departure from Russia-March 1st, Arrival to Japan-March 2nd).
From 2 weeks to 3 months
① Round-trip flight ticket
② Accommodation (dormitory) provided
NOTE: Students must pay their own living expenses during their stay in the Russia.
Applicants are required to utilize the STEPS online application system to submit the application documents listed below:
NOTE: Successful applicants are required to submit original documents at a later date.
From September 19th to October 25th, 2019 at 15:00
NOTE: If you do not accept any confirmation e-mail upon submitting your application, please contact us.
Documents screening
Via e-mail in the middle of November 2019
To submit a report within one month of your return in Japan
International Team, Academic Affairs Group
School of Science
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
For any inquiries, please click here.