This program aims to foster young undergraduates and postgraduates studying in Japan and Russia for future cooperative development between both countries. We invite students from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) to participate in research exchange at Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science at The University of Tokyo (UTokyo).
NOTE: Please carefully check 5. Host Departments at UTokyo to see which departments you are allowed to intern at.
Applicants must be a current undergraduate (including Specialist) or postgraduate students of MSU.
2 students
Faculty of Science (For undergraduate students)
Department of Mathematics, Department of Information Science, Department of Physics,
Department of Astronomy, Department of Earth and Planetary Physics,
Department of Earth and Planetary Environmental Science, Department of Chemistry,
Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Department of Biological Sciences,
Department of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Graduate School of Science (For postgraduate students)
Department of Physics, Department of Astronomy, Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
Department of Chemistry, Department of Biological Sciences
From January 17th to March 24th, 2020
4 weeks to 3 months
Applicants have to go through certain procedures to apply STEPS.
NOTE: Each applicant is required to directly contact a professor or an associate professor of the host department and obtain his/her acceptance before applying to the STEPS.
For further details, please refer to the MSU website.
From September 18th to October 25th, 2019
To submit a report within one month of your return in Russia.
MSU STEPS Coordinator: Mrs. Turkan Alieva
Department of International Cooperation
Tel: +7 (495) 939 17 19
International Team, Academic Affairs Group
For any inquiries, please click here.