Summer Programs
- November 21 - 24
- Two Master’s and three Doctoral students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), one graduate student from ETH Zürich, and two students from Italy participated in the eighth student program held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in November. The program provided the students with hands-on training using cutting-edge research equipment at an actual research site.
- August 9 - 18, October 16 - 21, December 8 - 15
- Three Master's and one Doctoral student from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), one graduate student from ETH Zürich, and two students from Italy participated in the seventh student program held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in August and December. Two Master's students also took part in the follow-up program held in October to coincide with the international PSI 2022 workshop and research on the MEG II experiment. This meant that, as well as hands-on training on site, the students had the chance to experience the international atmosphere at a conference attended by researchers from around the world and to practice their presentation skills.
- November 24 - December 2
- Two Master's students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), three graduate students from ETH Zürich, and three students from Italy participated in the sixth student program held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). Four Doctoral students from UTokyo also took part as assistants. Access to PSI has been limited for external users since July 2020, but exceptions have been made for researchers working on experiments being carried out at the institute. The engineering run for the MEG II experiment was successfully carried out during this year's student program, which meant that the students learnt about various aspects of instrument development, including performance evaluation, data collection, and trigger selection.
- August
- This year's student program was planned to be held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) with five Master's students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), three graduate students from ETH Zürich, and three students from Italy, but was cancelled owing to restrictions on overseas travel.
- July 5 - 24 [Expanding the partnership: UZH]
- One cooperative research fellow from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) participated in the first 3-week online summer school program on blockchain technology organized by the University of Zürich (Prof. Claudio Tessone and the UZH Blockchain Center). The aim of the program was for students to develop an understanding of the three critical pillars of blockchain systems, namely the technological, economic, and legal aspects, and to explore other fields of application, such as forensics and data analytics.
- September 5 - 6
- Four Master's students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), two graduate students from ETH Zürich, three students from Italy, and a Master's student from the International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP)'s collaboration partner at Kyushu University participated in the fifth summer school program held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The aim of the program is to teach students about cutting-edge research and experimental technology in particle physics through hands-on training and active participation in international collaborative research. Discussions and group work strengthened the interaction between the students.
- July 31-August 2 & August 21-22
- Five Master's students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), three graduate students from ETH Zürich, and six students from Italy participated in the fourth summer school program held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The program offered hands-on training through participation in the international collaborative research being carried out at PSI, and the students learned about cutting-edge research in particle physics as well as the experimental technology used for the research.
- August 22-25
- Four Master's students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo) and two graduate students from ETH Zürich participated in the third summer school program held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in the ETH Domain, where they worked together to learn about cutting-edge research and experimental technology in particle physics. Discussions between the students and researchers from other countries provided many opportunities for international exchange.
- August 10-12 & August 25-29
- A group of five graduate students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo) and three graduate students from ETH Zürich participated in the summer school program held at the Paul Scherer Institute (PSI). They worked together on laboratory apparatus used in international collaborations to learn about state-of-the-art research and experimental technology related to particle physics. The program provided students from both universities with the opportunity to interact with each other through joint activities and discussions.
- August 24-31
- A total of eight graduate students, five from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo) and three from ETH Zürich, received training in cutting-edge research and experimental technology in particle physics at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in the ETH Domain. They participated in joint activities and discussions, and interacted with researchers from other countries who were carrying out international research collaborations.