Student Exchanges and Enrollment


Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama of the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo), and Sota Wada, Daiki Ikuta, and Korbboon Sathirakul, all fourth-year Bachelor’s students in the Sugiyama-Badr group, visited ETH Zürich and Roche to discuss their research and tour the facilities. The three students also gave presentations on their research.
Prof. Sugiyama

Prof. Sugiyama (right) and his students outside the main building of ETH Zürich

Prof. Sugiyama2

Prof. Sugiyama (second from right) with his students and collaborator Prof. Volker Hoffmann (center)

March [Expanding the partnership: UZH]
Dr. Ryohei Hisano, Lecturer in the Mathematics and Informatics Center and the Department of Mathematical Informatics (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, UTokyo), and Shu Takahashi, a second-year Master’s student in the same Graduate School, visited the University of Zürich (UZH) to discuss their research with Prof. Claudio Tessone of the UZH Blockchain Center and Prof. Tilmann Altwicker of the UZH Center for Legal Data Science.


October - December
Mirai Fukase, a first-year Doctoral student in Prof. Yasuhiro Sakemi’s research group in the Center for Nuclear Study (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 3 months at ETH Zürich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) where he participated in research towards the development of a magnetometer.
Chai Fu, a third-year Doctoral student in Prof. Robert Campbell’s group in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 2 weeks in Prof. Daniel Razansky’s group (Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zürich). He worked with Dr. Hector Estrada and Xiang Liu, members of Prof. Razansky’s group, on the expression, purification, and characterization of near-infrared fluorescent/optoacoustic protein-based calcium sensors recently developed by the Campbell Lab.
Chai Fu

Chai Fu (left) with Xiang Liu in Switzerland

Dr. Estrada

Dr. Estrada operating the optoacoustic imaging system

October [Expanding the partnership: UZH]
Dr. Ryohei Hisano, Lecturer in the Mathematics and Informatics Center and the Department of Mathematical Informatics (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, UTokyo), and Hiroki Matsumoto, a first-year Master’s student in the same Graduate School, visited the University of Zürich (UZH) to discuss their research with Prof. Claudio Tessone of the UZH Blockchain Center and Prof. Tilmann Altwicker of the UZH Center for Legal Data Science.
September - November
Ekishin Yanagi, a first-year Master’s student in Prof. Hiroaki Suga’s group in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 3 months in Prof. Sereina Riniker’s laboratory in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich) to work on collaborative research being carried out by the two groups.
Ekishin Yanagi

Ekishin Yanagi with Prof. Riniker and her group

Ryoichi Hirashima, a fourth-year Bachelor’s student in Prof. Hiroaki Suga’s group in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 1 month in Prof. Jeffrey Bode’s laboratory in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich).
March [Expanding the partnership: UZH]
Dr. Ryohei Hisano, Lecturer in the Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, UTokyo), Tatsuya Nagasawa, a second year Master's student, and Dr. Ryoma Kondo, who would be appointed as a Project Assistant Professor in the same Graduate School in April, spent 2 weeks at the Blockchain Center at the University of Zürich (UZH). They were introduced to faculty members at the Center for Legal Data Science (UZH) by their collaborator, Prof. Claudio Tessone, and decided to start a new collaborative research project.
Dr. Hisano

Dr. Hisano (center), with Prof. Tessone and Tatsuya Nagasawa at the UZH Blockchain Center

March 6 - 31
One second-year Doctoral student from ETH Zürich and two students from the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, INFN) spent 3 weeks at the International Research Center for Elementary Particle Physics (UTokyo). They made the most of their time in Japan by experiencing student life in Tokyo, attending the MEG International Collaboration Seminar in Kobe, and visiting the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba.

Discussion at the MEG International Collaboration Seminar

February 13 - 17
Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama and Project Assistant Prof. Sara Badr of the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo), and Kosuke Nemoto, Ayumi Goto, and Mari Shinjo, all fourth-year Bachelor's students in Prof. Sugiyama's research group, visited ETH Zürich and Roche to discuss their research and tour the facilities. The three students gave presentations at ETH Zürich to the research groups headed by Prof. Stefanie Hellweg (Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering) and Prof. Marco Mazotti (Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering).
>Prof. Sugiyama

Prof. Sugiyama (right) and Assistant Prof. Badr (left) with their students in Zürich


Xiang Liu, a graduate student in Prof. Daniel Razansky's group (Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zürich) spent 2 weeks in Prof. Robert Campbell's laboratory in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo). While in Japan, he learned how to perform the experiments in optoacoustic imaging needed for the collaborative research being carried out by the two groups.
Xiang Liu

Xiang Liu working with a UTokyo student in Prof. Campbell's laboratory

October - December
Shintaro Nagase, a first-year Doctoral student in Prof. Yasuhiro Sakemi's research group in the Center for Nuclear Study (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 3 months working on the development of a magnetometer at ETH Zürich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). While in Switzerland, he also participated in and presented a poster at the PSI 2022 workshop on the physics of fundamental symmetries and interactions.
Shintaro Nagase

Shintaro Nagase (right) with Assistant Prof. Hiroki Nagahama (left) and colleagues at PSI

Mr. Gianluca Lombardini, who received his Master's degree from the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich) in 2022, joined the Sugiyama Laboratory in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) as a Doctoral student. He will work on research in collaboration with the Swiss pharmaceutical company, Roche.
Philipp Zuercher, who received his Master's degree from the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich) in 2019, graduated with his Doctoral degree from UTokyo. He was working under the supervision of Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo), and in collaboration with the Swiss pharmaceutical company, Roche. He will continue to work as a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Sugiyama's group.
Dr. Zuercher

Dr. Zuercher (second from left) with his father (right), Prof. Sugiyama (left), and Assistant Prof. Badr (second from right)

September 1 - 30
Ekishin Yanagi, a fourth-year Bachelor's student in Prof. Hiroaki Suga's group in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 1 month in Prof. Sereina Riniker's laboratory in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich) to work on collaborative research being carried out by the two groups.
August - September
Roman Wixinger, a graduate student in the Department of Physics (ETH Zürich), spent 1 month in Prof. Yasuhiro Sakemi's research group in the Center for Nuclear Study (School of Science, UTokyo), where he worked on the development of a magnetometer data acquisition system.
Five Doctoral students and four Master's students from the International Research Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP) visited the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) to join the three ICEPP researchers already stationed there. The online research environment was also strengthened to allow first year Master's students at UTokyo to participate remotely in experiments carried out at PSI.


September - February
One Master's student from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology was accepted as an Invited Visiting Student into the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zürich. He carried out research for 5 months under the supervision of Prof. Bradley Nelson.
Ryoto Iwai, who received his Master's degree from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), graduated with his Doctoral degree from ETH Zürich. He was working under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Kirch in the Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics.
Anicia Zeberli, who received her Master's degree from the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich), graduated with her Doctoral degree from UTokyo. She was working under the supervision of Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) and will continue to work as a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Sugiyama's group.
Dr. Anicia Zeberli

Dr. Anicia Zeberli (second from left) with Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama (right) and others from the Hirao-Sugiyama research group


December - May
Yasunori Toshimitsu, a first-year Master's student in the Inaba-Okada research group in the Department of Creative Informatics (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, UTokyo) spent 6 months in the Soft Robotics Laboratory (Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zürich) as an invited visiting student. Permission was obtained from the Novel Coronavirus Taskforce in the Central Administration Bureau at UTokyo after careful consideration of the research plan.
September, November
Four Doctoral students from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo) and one Master's student from the same department visited the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) at the end of September and beginning of November, respectively. They are contributing to the engineering plan for the MEG II experiment designed through joint research involving Japanese, Swiss, and Italian researchers.
Students at PSI

left:Students at PSI, right:Remote access to experimental information in the facility

Entry to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) was restricted for external users until mid-July, but was authorized thereafter owing to the importance of the experimental projects carried out at the institute. Researchers also made adjustments to allow first year Master's students to participate remotely in the MEG II experiment, and thus to experience the development and use of new instruments without on-site training in Switzerland.
April - December
Diego del Rio Sarasola, a Master's student in Interdisciplinary Sciences from ETH Zürich, spent the spring semester at UTokyo under the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP). He then carried out a 4-month internship in Prof. Robert Campbell's research group in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo) as a special research student.
Dr. Anicia Zeberli

Diego del Rio Sarasola and members of the Campbell group

March - May
Mr. Fan Shi, a Doctoral student in Prof. Masayuki Inaba's group in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo), was selected by the NCCR Robotics PhD/Postdoc Exchange Programme to spend 3 months at the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) at ETH Zürich.
February 25 - March 1
Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström, a Doctoral student in the Department of Architecture (ETH Zürich), was invited to a seminar for UTokyo Master's students organized by Associate Prof. Yusuke Obuchi in the Department of Architecture (School of Engineering, UTokyo), where he presented and discussed his research results on digital fabrication. With the aim of improving connections between UTokyo's Strategic Partnership teams, Mr. Aejmelaeus-Lindström also gave a talk at a symposium planned by the UC Berkeley-UTokyo Strategic Partnership team and exchanged ideas with researchers from the two institutions.


September - March
Ms. Maria Reichenbach, a second-year Master's student in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich) spent 6 months in Prof. Hiroaki Suga's laboratory in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo) to complete the research for her Master's thesis.
Mr. Philipp Zuercher, who received his Master's degree from ETH Zürich in 2019, joined the Hirao-Sugiyama Laboratory in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) as a Doctoral student.
Mr. Philipp Zuercher

Mr. Philipp Zuercher

June - September
Mr. Yamato Komatsu, a second year Doctoral Student in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 3 months in Prof. Sereina Riniker's group in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich) to start a new collaborative research project. The project aims to evaluate the membrane permeability of peptides discovered at UTokyo and to use computational chemistry to simulate its three-dimensional structure. He is now using the simulation results to start a new collaborative research project, and hopes to continue to take advantage of the different expertise of the two groups to achieve groundbreaking results.
Mr. Philipp Zuercher

Mr. Komatsu (center) with Prof. Riniker (left) and Dr. König Gerhard, a postdoctoral researcher in the Riniker group

April - August
Three students from ETH Zürich, Mr. Manuel Grossmann, Ms. Simona Lara Santamaria, and Mr. Matteo Signer, spent the spring semester at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo). They carried out research in the groups of Project Associate Prof. Rie Yamaguchi, Prof. Yoshihiko Nakamura, and Prof. Takeo Igarashi, respectively.
January - August
Project Assistant Prof. Ryohei Hisano of the Social ICT Research Center (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, UTokyo) supervised Ms. Tianqi Wang, a Master's student from the Seminar for Statistics (Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich) in her Master's thesis project. Her thesis was titled “An In-Depth Analysis of the Impact of ESG Investing on Returns Using Large-Scale News Data”.
February 21-25
Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama of the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo); Dr. Sara Badr, a scientific researcher; and Ms. Kozue Okamura and Ms. Nozomi Takahashi, undergraduate students in Prof. Sugiyama's research group, visited F. Hoffmann-La Roche and ETH Zürich to discuss their research.
Members of Associate Prof. Sugiyama's research group with Prof. Massimo Morbidelli

Members of Associate Prof. Sugiyama's research group with Prof. Massimo Morbidelli (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich)


Mr. Patrick Schnider, a graduate student from ETH Zürich, spent a week in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo). He delivered a talk on discrete geometry at the Department of Computer Science lecture series and discussed related problems with UTokyo students.
Mr. Schnider  with Ms. Eriko Kurimoto

Mr. Schnider with Ms. Eriko Kurimoto

Mr. Edgars Lakis, a doctoral student in Prof. Jörn Piel's research group in the Institute of Microbiology (Department of Biology, ETH Zürich), spent 2 weeks in Prof. Hiroaki Suga's research group in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo) to initiate a collaboration between the two groups.
Ms. Rafaela Gsponer, a Master's student at ETH Zürich, spent 6 months in Prof. Yasuhiro Sakemi's research group in the Center for Nuclear Study (School of Science, UTokyo) under UTokyo's University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP). She worked mainly on particle physics research using laser-cooled atoms.
Ms. Gsponer  (center) with Prof. Sakemi's research group

Ms. Gsponer (center) with Prof. Sakemi's research group

An undergraduate student from ETH Zürich visited the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) under the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP). Although the School does not usually offer undergraduate lectures in English, Prof. Reiji Suda and Prof. Hiroshi Imai of the Department of Computer Science created a collection of seven special classes for this academic year.
Mr. Gioele Casola, who received his Master's degree from the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich), graduated with his doctoral degree from UTokyo. He had been working under the supervision of Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) since 2015.
Dr. Casola  and Associate Prof. Sugiyama

Dr. Casola and Associate Prof. Sugiyama

Mr. Naoya Ozawa, a first-year Master's student in Prof. Yasuhiro Sakemi's research group in the Center for Nuclear Study (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 2 months at ETH Zürich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) with the support of the Strategic Partnership Project and the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). He worked on the development of a magnetometer, one of the research projects that Prof. Sakemi's group is carrying out in collaboration with ETH Zürich. He also attended the PSI summer school program during his stay in Switzerland.
Associate Prof. Yusuke Obuchi and 10 Master's students from the Department of Architecture (School of Engineering, UTokyo) visited ETH Zürich, where Ms. Gergana Rusenova, a doctoral student in the Department of Architecture (ETH Zürich), showed the group around the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. Afterwards, the Master's students from Prof. Obuchi's group gave a joint presentation/demonstration with two doctoral students from ETH Zürich and exchanged ideas about their research.
Two students from ETH Zürich each spent one semester in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) under the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP). Mr. Gani Aliguzhinov, originally from Afghanistan, worked under Associate Prof. Shinpei Kato in the Department of Computer Science, while Mr. Paul Scheffler, from Luxembourg, carried out research under Associate Prof. Hidetsugu Irie in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering.
Mr. Philipp Zürcher, a Master's student in the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich), worked on research for his Master's thesis under the supervision of Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo).
Dr. Casola  and Associate Prof. Sugiyama

Students and researchers in the Hirao-Sugiyama group with connections to ETH Zürich. From left: Dr. Badr, Associate Prof. Sugiyama, Mr. Zürcher, Dr. Casola, Ms. Zeberli

January 17
Associate Prof. Yusuke Obuchi; Dr. Shuntaro Nozawa, a project researcher; and five Master's students from Prof. Obuchi's research group in the Department of Architecture (School of Engineering, UTokyo) visited the NEST (Next Evolution in Sustainable Building Technologies) experimental research facility at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) with Dr. Russel Loveridge, Managing Director of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication at ETH Zürich. They were given a tour of a robotic concrete casting system that does not require formwork developed by ETH Zürich. Prof. Obuchi and two of his Master's students, Ms. Ruta Stankeviciute and Mr. Otto Lindstam, then gave a demonstration of the research group's projects to students in ETH Zürich's Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Digital Fabrication course, and exchanged ideas with the students.
Tour of the robotic concrete casting system at the NEST facility

Tour of the robotic concrete casting system at the NEST facility

Demonstration  for students in the Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Digital Fabrication course

Demonstration for students in the Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Digital Fabrication course

January 16
Mr. Gioele Casola, a third-year doctoral student; Ms. Anicia Zeberli, a first-year doctoral student; Mr. Yusuke Hayashi, a first-year Master's student; and Mr. Masahiro Yamada, a fourth-year Bachelor's student, all from the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo), presented posters at the “2nd ETH Zürich-The University of Tokyo Strategic Partnership Symposium on Science, Design, Manufacturing, and Innovation,” which was held at ETH Zürich. Their supervisor, Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama, chaired the session on system engineering design, which included examples from the pharmaceutical industry from Dr. Rainer Schmidt of F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd., and the electrical power industry from Prof. Volker Hoffmann of ETH Zürich.


From October 1
Mr. Ryoto Iwai, a first-year doctoral student in the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo) was accepted into ETH Zürich's PhD program. He is now working on new research under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Kirch at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) of the ETH Domain (an organization comprising ETH Zürich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), and PSI, as well as a number of other research institutes). As a Master's student, Mr. Iwai attended the PSI summer program for 2 years in a row and also gave an oral presentation at the “ETH Zürich-The University of Tokyo Strategic Partnership Symposium on Science, Design, Manufacturing, and Information” held in January 2017. His enrollment at ETH Zürich can therefore be considered the result of 2 years of exchange between the two institutions.
Autumn Semester
A graduate student from ETH Zürich and one from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) spent one semester in each other's institutions as exchange students.
Ms. Risa Wakabayashi, a fourth-year Bachelor's student enrolled in the Global Science Course in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), spent 1 month in Prof. Donald Hilvert's laboratory in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich).
Mr. Keisho Yabuta, a first-year doctoral student in Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama's research group in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo), carried out a 2-month internship in the Swiss pharmaceutical company F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd.
Dr. Strübing  of F. Hoffmann-La Roche with Mr. Yabuta, a first-year doctoral student at UTokyo

Dr. Strübing of F. Hoffmann-La Roche with Mr. Yabuta, a first-year doctoral student at UTokyo

Ms. Anicia Zeberli, a graduate of ETH Zürich who spent half a year in Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama's research group in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) last year, came to Japan to take the entrance examination for the doctoral course at UTokyo. She passed the examination and began her doctoral studies in September 2017.
Mr. Shant Dakessian, a Master's student at ETH Zürich, came to UTokyo as an international internship student and worked on research for his Master's thesis in Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama's research group in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering).
Mr. Dakessian  with Associate Prof. Sugiyama

Mr. Dakessian with Associate Prof. Sugiyama

Summer Semester
A graduate student from ETH Zürich spent one semester at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) as an exchange student.


September-March 2017
Mr. Ruben Emanuel Wohlgenannt, a second-year Master's student in the Department of Computer Science (ETH Zürich), came to UTokyo as a Special Research Student under the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP). He worked in the Imai research group in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.
In addition, Mr. Jörg Wieder, a second-year Master's student from the Department of Physics (ETH Zürich), carried out research in the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo) in the group of Associate Prof. Masashi Yokoyama.
Further, Ms. Anicia Zeberli, a Master's student in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich), came to UTokyo as an international internship program student and worked in the group run by Prof. Masahiko Hirao and Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering). Ms. Zeberli's travel and living expenses were subsidized by the School.
Ms. Anicia Zeberli, a Master's course student at ETH Zürich, conducting research in the Hirao-Sugiyama group

Ms. Anicia Zeberli, a Master's course student at ETH Zürich, conducting research in the Hirao-Sugiyama group

One of the first generation of graduates of the Global Science Course (GSC) run by the School of Science (UTokyo) enrolled in the Master's course run by the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich).
Late July
Mr. Lukas Eberle, a doctoral student at ETH Zürich, spent 2 weeks in the group run by Prof. Masahiko Hirao and Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo). During his stay, he completed a manuscript on a collaboration led by Prof. Sugiyama and Prof. Konrad Hungerbühler from the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich) that was later accepted for publication.
June 1-August 31
Ms. Eunice Phua, a first-year doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), took advantage of the international internship offered by the Materials Education Program for Future Leaders in Research, Industry, and Technology (MERIT) to conduct short-term research at ETH Zürich under Prof. A. Dieter Schlüter in the Department of Materials.
Mr. Matthias David Strodtkötter, a graduate of ETH Zürich, enrolled at UTokyo as a doctoral student under the supervision of Prof. Mio Murao of the Department of Physics (School of Science).
Mr. Strodtkötter talking with Prof. Murao

Mr. Strodtkötter talking with Prof. Murao

Ms. Alzbeta Kubinocova and Mr. Janis Fluri, first-year Master's students at ETH Zürich, and Mr. Julian Alexander Riebartsch, a second-year Master's student, spent time at the School of Science (UTokyo) as Special Research Students in the laboratories of Prof. Eiichi Nakamura (Department of Chemistry), Prof. Junichi Yokoyama (Research Center for the Early Universe), and lecturer Dr. Kathrin Wimmer (Department of Physics), respectively, under the strategic partnership agreement.
Ms. Kubinocova from ETH Zürich giving a presentation in the Department of Chemistry

Ms. Kubinocova from ETH Zürich giving a presentation in the Department of Chemistry

Mr. Fluri (center) and Mr. Riebartsch (right) from ETH Zürich discussing research with a colleague at the Research Center for the Early Universe

Mr. Fluri (center) and Mr. Riebartsch (right) from ETH Zürich discussing research with a colleague at the Research Center for the Early Universe

March 16-23
Mr. Naoto Ohsaka, a doctoral student in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo), visited the Department of Computer Science (ETH Zürich) and discussed his research with Prof. Bernd Gärtner and Prof. Komei Fukuda.
February 24-March 22
Mr. Hidefumi Hiraishi, a third-year doctoral student in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo), spent approximately 4 weeks at ETH Zürich with the support of the school.
January 25-February 1
Ms. Haruku Shirahata, a first-year Master's student, and Mr. Kensaku Matsunami, a fourth-year Bachelor's student, both from the Hirao-Sugiyama research group in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo), accompanied Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama on a visit to Prof. Konrad Hungerbühler of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich). They discussed their research and visited the Kaiseraugst site of F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd.
Prof. Hungerbühler (third from left) and Associate Prof. Sugiyama (second from right)

Prof. Hungerbühler (third from left) and Associate Prof. Sugiyama (second from right)

January 8
The Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) encourages faculty from overseas universities to serve on their doctoral degree examination committees. In line with this policy, Prof. Komei Fukuda of ETH Zürich served as one of the committee members for a doctoral degree examination in the Department of Computer Science at UTokyo.
From left: Mr. Hiraishi, doctoral candidate, Associate Prof. Shibuya, Prof. Fukuda from ETH Zürich, Prof. Suda, Prof. Imai, and Dr. Moriyama

From left: Mr. Hiraishi, doctoral candidate, Associate Prof. Shibuya, Prof. Fukuda from ETH Zürich, Prof. Suda, Prof. Imai, and Dr. Moriyama

All year round
Originally from Switzerland, Mr. Gioele Casola received his Master's degree from the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich) and is now a second-year doctoral student in the Hirao-Sugiyama research group in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo). When he returns to Switzerland, Mr. Casola often visits Prof. Konrad Hungerbühler and receives advice from him regarding his research.
Mr. Gioele Casola of the Hirao-Sugiyama Laboratory

Mr. Gioele Casola of the Hirao-Sugiyama Laboratory


October 21
Mr. Shuichi Katsumata, a second-year Master's student, gave a presentation on studying at ETH Zürich at a study-abroad guidance session organized by Prof. Reiji Suda, who is Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo) and responsible for international exchange. Mr. Katsumata is one of four graduate students from the same graduate school who studied at ETH Zürich for 1 year from September 2014. He recommended studying abroad to his juniors.
October 1-November 30
Ms. Kana Yamada, a second-year doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry (School of Science, UTokyo), carried out research at ETH Zürich in the laboratory of Prof. Ursula Keller of the Department of Physics. (See her interview here.)
Ms. Kana Yamada at ETH Zürich

Ms. Kana Yamada at ETH Zürich

October 1
Mr. Gioele Casola, who graduated from the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich), enrolled in the doctoral program of the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) with Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama as his supervisor.
Mr. Ryo Asakura, a graduate of the Department of Applied Chemistry (School of Engineering, UTokyo), enrolled in the Master's program of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zürich).
June 17-19
Mr. Daniel Reker, a doctoral student in Prof. Gisbert Schneider's group in the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich), visited the Funatsu group in the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo). He took part in a 3-day seminar, in which he and students from the Funatsu group presented their research.
May 31-June 4
Associate Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama of the Department of Chemical System Engineering (School of Engineering, UTokyo) took part in the “12th Process Systems Engineering/25th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Engineering” (PSE2015/ESCAPE25), which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together with doctoral students from ETH Zürich, he presented results from his collaborative research with Prof. Konrad Hungerbühler (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich) and the Swiss pharmaceutical company F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd. Mr. Gioele Casola, a graduate student from ETH Zürich who spent approximately 6 months in the Sugiyama group in 2014, also gave a presentation at the symposium.
From left: Mr. Casola, another graduate student at ETH Zürich, and Associate Prof. Sugiyama

From left: Mr. Casola, another graduate student at ETH Zürich, and Associate Prof. Sugiyama

Ms. Hanna Sumita and Mr. Hidefumi Hiraishi, doctoral students at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (UTokyo), visited ETH Zürich and gave a presentation at the Mittagsseminar.
Prof. Hiroshi Imai, also of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, visited ETH Zürich and met three of five graduate students from the same graduate school who were studying abroad at ETH Zürich's Department of Computer Science.
February 3
Mr. Yuta Murakami, a second-year doctoral student from the Department of Physics (School of Science, UTokyo), visited Prof. Manfred Sigrist of the Department of Physics (ETH Zürich). After discussions, Mr. Murakami presented his research at a seminar.