Replicas of Professor Teiji Takagi's notebooks
Teiji Takagi (1875-1960) was a mathematician who graduated from Tokyo Imperial University. He worked on number theory and is said to be the first international mathematician in Japan. After studying in Germany from 1898 to 1901, he worked as a professor at Tokyo Imperial University from 1904 to 1936. He established class field theory, which is one of the major achievements of algebraic number theory, and continues to deeply influence the modern study of number theory. He also wrote textbooks in mathematics such as Lectures on Elementary Number Theory, Lectures on Algebra, Algebraic Number Theory, and Introduction to Calculus, and contributed much to the development of mathematics in Japan.
Several handwritten notebooks of him are owned by the library of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Some notebooks consist of calculations on elliptic curves with complex multiplication, cyclotomic fields, elliptic functions and so on, and others are manuscripts for lectures on areas such as number theory, algebra, and determinants. As Germany was the center of the study of number theory during the time he was working, most of his writings here are in German. Several manuscripts for lectures are written in English.
The notebooks exhibited here are replicas of the original ones. The images of the notebooks are digitized and can be viewed on the web by scanning the QR code or visiting the URL below.
https://iiif.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/repo/s/takagi/page/home (Japanese Only)
Responsibility for wording of the article
Atsushi Shiho, Professor, Mathematics [2022]