Science GalleryThe University of Tokyo

Video Screening Timetable

The Science Gallery is now showing the following schedule.

Some of the videos shown in the past are available on YouTube as part of the #UTokyoScienceChannel.

No. running time  
1 2:28 #Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science Details of each cut
2 2:08 #Department of Mathematics, School of Science Details of each cut
3 1:59 #Department of InformationScience, School of Science Details of each cut
4 1:50 #Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut
5 1:50 #Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut
6 1:50 #Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut
7 1:50 #Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut
8 1:50 #Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut
9 2:24 #Molecular Geochemistry Laboratory #Geochemistry Details of each cut
10 2:34 #Kiso Observatory #Tomo-eGozen #Wide-field Video-survey Details of each cut
11 1:48 #Misaki Marine Biological Station #Sea Showcase #Rinkai-maru Details of each cut
12 2:39 #Botanical Garden #Amorophophallus titanium #Greenhouse Details of each cut



#EvolutionaryAnthropology #CulturalEvolution #Behavioralecology Details of each cut

#GeosphereandBiosphereScience #ITAITakaaki #MolecularGeochemistryLab

#GeosphereandBiosphereScience #TAKAHASHIYoshio #MolecularGeochemistryLab

#Uemuralaboratory #Singlemoleculemeasurement #Biophysics Details of each cut

#OrganicSynthesis #GreenSustainableChemistry #ContinuousflowSynthesis Details of each cut