The Science Gallery is now showing the following schedule.
Some of the videos shown in the past are available on YouTube as part of the #UTokyoScienceChannel.
No. | running time | |
1 | 2:28 | #Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science Details of each cut |
2 | 2:08 | #Department of Mathematics, School of Science Details of each cut |
3 | 1:59 | #Department of InformationScience, School of Science Details of each cut |
4 | 1:50 | #Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut |
5 | 1:50 | #Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut |
6 | 1:50 | #Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut |
7 | 1:50 | #Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut |
8 | 1:50 | #Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science Details of each cut |
9 | 2:24 | #Molecular Geochemistry Laboratory #Geochemistry Details of each cut |
10 | 2:34 | #Kiso Observatory #Tomo-eGozen #Wide-field Video-survey Details of each cut |
11 | 1:48 | #Misaki Marine Biological Station #Sea Showcase #Rinkai-maru Details of each cut |
12 | 2:39 | #Botanical Garden #Amorophophallus titanium #Greenhouse Details of each cut |
#EvolutionaryAnthropology #CulturalEvolution #Behavioralecology Details of each cut
#GeosphereandBiosphereScience #ITAITakaaki #MolecularGeochemistryLab
#GeosphereandBiosphereScience #TAKAHASHIYoshio #MolecularGeochemistryLab
#Uemuralaboratory #Singlemoleculemeasurement #Biophysics Details of each cut
#OrganicSynthesis #GreenSustainableChemistry #ContinuousflowSynthesis Details of each cut