

Graduate School of Science

Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Biological Sciences

The Department of Biological Sciences conducts research that challenges the "diversity" and "universality" of life. With 90 research laboratories including two botanical gardens, a marine biological station, and genetics research laboratory, the department's extensive scale and well-equipped facilities enable comprehensive coverage of biological sciences. The Department of Biological Sciences deals with objects ranging in size from angstroms to the continental scale.
The faculty and students advance their own research programs while studying a broad spectrum of research at classes, workshops, and retreats. In a free atmosphere, we aim at unraveling great mysteries and opening up the frontiers of biology.

Fragrance relay points
Capturing mysterious images and videos through state-of-the-art bioimaging is one of the most exciting aspects of biological science. Sometimes the very image that is successfully observed for the first time leads to a major discovery. The photograph shows the mitral cells of the olfactory bulb extending their dendrites into the glomerulus, where the axons of olfactory cells converge. © Shota Morikawa.



Studying growth in plants

February 1, 2025


What is information for living organisms?

August 1, 2024


Sleep: full of unknowns even in the 21st century

September 1, 2023