

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo



Mathematics Chair

AIDA Shigeki Professor

Learn eternal mathematical truths and create new one by yourself

Covers important active areas of mathematics, including number theory, algebraic geometry, Lie theory, group and ring theory, representation theory, operator algebras, topology, differential geometry, PDEs, probability, numerical analysis, and logics.

【Academic features】

Education and Research in the Department of Mathematics at the Komaba Campus

The Department of Mathematics is one of the largest research centers, covering almost all areas of mathematics, including algebra, geometry, analysis, and applied mathematics. Our building is located on the Komaba campus. The Department of Mathematics offers undergraduate education as part of the Faculty of Science, whereas the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences offers graduate education as an independent organization of the School of Science. When you enroll at the Department of Mathematics, you will be in an environment of excellence where you can focus on mathematics together with graduate students in the Mathematics Building on the Komaba campus. 

Training of Mathematical Thinking

Instead of being required to submit a thesis for graduation, fourth-year students in the Department of Mathematics are assigned to a laboratory of their choice and receive individual guidance in a seminar setting. Mathematics has played a unique role as a paradigm for a rigorous science and as the language of science. While it has developed in its own intellectually stimulating way as an autonomous discipline, mathematics plays an essential role in many applied fields and in science, engineering, and the quantitative social sciences. Against the backdrop of the recent dramatic expansion of computing power and the vast accumulation of digital data, the effectiveness of mathematical thinking is increasingly recognized in every aspect of business and daily life. This has led to unprecedentedly high expectations for graduates of the Department of Mathematics in various fields and society in general, opening up a wide range of career possibilities in addition to the traditional professions of researcher and teacher. Come join us in the Department of Mathematics!



Understanding the mind by understanding mathematics

April 1, 2024


Math: a game too fun to stop

October 2, 2023


Where Math and Physics Cross Over

February 1, 2023