Research on the fundamental scientific discipline of chemistry is key to advances in other natural sciences such as physics, biology, and geology, as well as applied technologies related to the environment, energy, life, materials, and information.
In the Department of Chemistry, students progress through lectures on advanced knowledge and the latest research, complemented by cutting-edge research activities in the laboratory. The Department also features an international perspective with a high level of interaction between its many foreign researchers. Through these activities, the Department aims to foster researchers who will support and lead the international frontiers of chemical research in educational institutions, and the public and private sectors.
Molecular calligraphy
A spherical molecule flips in a cylindrical nanotube, while stroking a line on the wall with its OH group. The "OH brush” is attached on the wall with an OH-π hydrogen bond, which was originally discovered at Hongo campus, and is dictating new molecular motions.
© Hiroyuki Isobe, Taisuke Matsuno