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  4. 数学最先端特別講義J Special lectures on current topics in Mathematics J

Special lectures on current topics in Mathematics J (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Current status
大学 University 東京工業大学
Tokyo Institute of Technology
研究科等 Graduate School 理学院
School of Science
学内講義コード Course code MTH.E640
Course title
Special lectures on current topics in Mathematics J
Teaching staff
田口 雄一郎・※ 山内 卓也
Taguchi Yuichiro・※Yamauchi Takuya
聴講希望受付 Registration period 2017/09/25〜2017/10/14
Sep 25, 2017 — Oct 14, 2017
単位数 Credit 2
開講言語 Language 日本語
Course details

今回の講義ではまずガロア表現や保型形式の基礎を習った後に原型である有理数体上のGL(2)の場合のセール予想とそのKhare-Wintenberger による証明を簡単に概観する。そして、それがどのように一般化され、またその過程でどういうことが問題となってくるかに焦点を当てて講義を進めていきたい。また、それと同時にガロア表現や保型形式に関する基礎知識を習得することも目的とする。

The purpose of a series of lectures is to study the modularity of a Galois representation and its related conjecture called Serre conjecture. We also learn recent works toward a generalization of Serre conjecture. Galois representations in question are a variety of linear representations which takes the values in several fields as the field of complex numbers, finite fields, and local fields. By using Galois theory with complex linear representations of finite groups give examples of Galois representations. Geometric objects such as algebraic varieties give Galois representations over l-adic fields via etale cohomology. On the other hand automorphic forms also give Galois representations which are obtained by using (arithmetic) geometries and a trace formula. The modularity problem for a given Galois representation asks if there exists an automorphic form which gives rise to the same Galois representation. It related to Shimura-Taniyama conjecture proved by Wiles which plays an important role for Fermat's last theorem. After his results there is much progress in this area.
A standard way to attach the modularity problem is twofold so that firstly we prove the modularity problem for Galois representations over finite fields and then next we lift its modularity to a representation over a field of characteristic zero. The former is called Serre conjecture which is proved only in the case of GL(2) over the field of rational numbers. It is still standing as an open problem in how to precisely formulate Serre conjecture in general. In a series of lectures we first learn basics of Galois representations and automorphic forms. After that the original version of Serre cojecture for GL(2) over the field of rational numbers and its proof due to Khare-Wintenberger would be explained. Further we learn its known generalizations and focus on difficulties came up there. To learn basics of Galois representations and automorphic forms would be regarded as a part of our purpose.

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備考 Notes


URL http://www.ocw.titech.ac.jp/index.php?module=General&action=T0300&GakubuCD=1&GakkaCD=311111&KeiCD=11&course=11&KougiCD=201708165&Nendo=2017&vid=03
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